
Work Experience Evaluation

ICS > Work Experience Evaluation

Work Experience Evaluation

Professional Work experience evaluation accordance with GEO regulations.

Professional Work Experience Evaluation for Students & H1B Visas - Overview

This report combines relevant professional experience with academic coursework to determine a US bachelor’s or master’s equivalence.

This evaluation takes into account the professional experience of the candidate by analyzing formal education, training programs, and work experience. These evaluations are prepared in accordance with USCIS regulations.

  • When it is needed Work experience evaluations are needed when a candidate’s academic credentials are not equivalent to a US Bachelor’s degree, or when a candidate’s academic background is in a field outside of his or her prospective employment.
  • What it includes Work experience evaluation lists the company names, professional titles, dates of employment and detailed job descriptions in order to clearly demonstrate the expertise the experience the candidate has acquired in the professional world.

Documents Required

Degree or Diploma's along

The all academic/work-related documents to be submitted in English and must be notarized.

Past work experience

Experience letters from all the previous employers, clearly mentioning the dates worked, job duties performed and the skill sets